Advising, Tutoring & Academic Support

To determine eligibility for academic services, provide current documentation of ADHD/ADD from a diagnosing physician, psychiatrist, or psychologist.


The Annual Campus Safety and Fire Safety Report contains the Clery report as well as other campus safety reports and information.

Advising, Tutoring & Academic Support

For academic and/or housing accommodation, provide documentation of medical conditions from the diagnosing physician or other professional.

Advising, Tutoring & Academic Support

To determine eligibility for academic or housing services, students must provide current documentation of diagnosed mental health disorders.

COVID-19 Coronavirus

Federal CARES Act Quarterly Report (Institutional Portion of Funds)

Finance & Management

Audited financial statements with reports by independent auditors

Institutional Advancement

This report contains a snapshot of Denison's recent achievements.

Dean of Students | Registrar

A request to apply for a hardship withdrawal

Dean of Students | Health & Wellness | Registrar | Wellness Center

If you are requesting a withdrawal for medical purposes, you must also complete a medical leave form prior to your meeting.


A tool developed by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education to help colleges and universities assess sustainability

Student Accounts | Your Finances

Use this form to submit an online insurance enrollment/waiver request


This annual report addresses the state of sustainability at Denison, as well as the progress made during recent academic and fiscal years.  


Waivers are necessary for both students to attend classes or participate in a sport, as well as for non-students at Denison University.

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