Talloires Network, an international association committed to civic engagement, has selected Denison President Adam Weinberg to serve on the organization’s steering committee. President Weinberg is one of 13 members of the committee, which represent 11 countries. Ten are current or former heads of higher education institutions and three are heads of national or regional higher education networks for university civic engagement.

The Talloires Network is an international association of institutions committed to strengthening the civic roles and social responsibilities of higher education. They work together to implement the recommendations of the Talloires Declaration and build a global movement of engaged universities.

The Talloires Network holds that higher education institutions do not exist in isolation from society, nor from the communities in which they are located. It envisions universities around the world as a vibrant and dynamic force in their societies, incorporating civic engagement and community service into their research and teaching mission.

Denison’s mission statement: Our purpose is to inspire and educate our students to become autonomous thinkers, discerning moral agents and active citizens of a democratic society. Through an emphasis on active learning, we engage students in the liberal arts, which fosters self-determination and demonstrates the transformative power of education. We envision our students’ lives as based upon rational choice, a firm belief in human dignity and compassion unlimited by cultural, racial, sexual, religious or economic barriers, and directed toward an engagement with the central issues of our time.

January 30, 2017