The Academic Resource Center (ARC) has been awarded certification for tutor training by industry leader College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA).

Associate Director for Arc, Torrance Powell, says, “Tutors who complete the certification they will provide a better experience for Denison students who are accessing our tutor program. And they will be able to use the credential on applications for fellowships, research funding requests, and graduate or career application materials,as well.”

“The enhanced recognition as a CRLA Certified Tutor communicates to selection committees and employers that this person has demonstrated an extraordinary commitment to professional development and service to their institution.”

For more than thirty years CRLA has been a leader in learning assistance, reading, and academic support programs with almost 1,300 members and over 2,000 certified training programs worldwide.

Powell adds, “It is my intention to collaborate with the Lisska Center for Intellectual Engagement to prepare our tutors for improving their candidacy for national awards like the Fulbright using the certification process available through ARC. Additionally, partners in the Knowlton Career Center can help certified tutors craft resumes and cover letter materials that feature the designation to aid in a tutor’s consideration for admission to graduate programs or job placement.”

August 22, 2022