It’s important to become more aware of neurodiversity in the workplace, but it isn’t always easy to know what’s best for your colleagues, or how you can better support them so that they feel recognized and fully valued.

In this course, instructor Tiffany Jameson helps you get a better understanding of one aspect of neurodiversity - ADHD. Throughout the course, Jameson will explore the impact of ADHD in today’s workplace, how to identify and recognize ADHD by learning more about what it actually looks like and how it manifests on the job, and ways to be an ally to your coworkers with ADHD.

About LinkedIn Learning at Denison

Denison has partnered with LinkedIn Learning to provide access to thousands of online courses and learning materials for the personal and professional development of our faculty, staff and students. Visit the LinkedIn Learning MyDenison page for more details.

April 18, 2022